Ideas have consequences. The ideas that you think are true will ultimately play themselves out in the way that you live. Every. Single. Day. We all live at the mercy of our ideas. That’s why the apostle Paul warns us not to be taken captive by the false views of the world (Colossians 2:8).
Sadly, many Christians have been captured by the culture. Their thinking reflects the thinking of the society. Their worldview is no different from that of their unbelieving friends.
Stand to Reason Student Impact exists to provoke a new generation to rethink their worldview, recapture the truth, and then reengage the world for the cause of Christ. That’s why we’re putting on the reTHINK Apologetics Student Conference, designed for junior high, high school and college-aged students. And that’s why you need to be there.
On Friday, doors open at 6:45 pm, and sessions will conclude at approximately 10:45 pm. On Saturday, sessions begin at 9:00 am and will conclude around 5:30 pm. There will be a break on Saturday from noon to 1:25 pm (lunch not provided).
Register now by texting RETHINK to 77978 or going to Special pricing is available for church groups. Contact for the reThink Church Partnership information to obtain the special pricing. Questions? Contact
ReTHINK Apologetics Conference 2017-2018 [HD, 1280×720] from Collin Baptist Association on Vimeo.