2018 Hungary Missions Photo
Gallery Opening & Awards Night
A Gallery Opening and Awards Ceremony will be held at the CBA Office in Fairview at 7pm on Tuesday, January 15.
This special gallery exhibit will include featured photographs from the CBA Media Team, and will bring special recognition to the winners of the First Annual CBA Church Network Hungary Missions Amateur Photo Contest.
You are encouraged to attend this memorable event, and invite family members, friends, and church members to see photographs and hear participants share highlights from our mission trip to Hungary. We will also share some basic information about mission opportunities to Hungary in 2019 and beyond. Admission is free.
Gallery Opening & Awards Ceremony
Tuesday, January 15
CBA Church Network
970 S. Hwy 5, Fairview, TX 75069
“These photos touched my heart. You can see the love and compassion of Jesus Christ through His witnesses in Hungary as you see these images. ” – Contest Judge