The ministry of Collin Baptist Men is designed to be a “Helping Ministry”. We have chosen to partner with Texas Baptist Men in the Disaster Relief Ministry. In Pursuit of this objective, our men’s council first developed a Chain Saw ministry, and more recently a Clean-Up ministry.
Both Disaster Relief Units require our volunteers to undergo several hours of Safety Training to use equipment which seems designed to cause injury! Our ministry trailers carry not only the equipment needed for the ministry, but also the personal safety equipment needed for our protection.
Our men are involved not only in the Disaster Ministry, but also are committed to helping our neighbors in the North Texas area, doing tree trimming and removal as requested, and all at no cost to those we help.
If you are interested in becoming involved in our ministry, or in requesting assistance, call the Collin Baptist Association office, or Duane Bechtold, Men’s Director, at (972) 596-4678.